Who are Friends of the Foundation?  Local businesses that directly financially support Park Village through donations or services and goods.

Do you own or know of a business that would like to become a Friend of the Foundation (FoF) for the 2024-2025 school year?

To become a Park Village Friend of the Foundation:

Please email ParkVillageFoundation@gmail.com or Submit your information on our FoF Contact Page https://parkvillagefoundation.com/pages/become-a-friend-of-the-foundation

See how your business can make a tax-deductible donation to enhance education at Park Village Elementary School! As a business owner, name recognition is vital to increasing your customer base.

Several parents have said that businesses who partner with the Foundation become some of the first businesses they turn to when they need particular services.

Every dollar you donate goes directly to our students' education! If you are interested in making a difference at Park Village Elementary and becoming a “Friend of the Foundation” for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact us at parkvillagefoundation@gmail.com for more details.

Our organization depends on donations from community members like you to support our programs. We are very thankful for companies like yours that want to make a difference in the education of our students.

Acceptance of partnership does not imply endorsement of any products or services by PVF. In cases where PVF links to the website of the partner, it must be understood that PVF does not regulate the content of the partner’s website and assumes no responsibility or liability for any claims or endorsements made on, or linked to, from the partner’s website.


Previous Friends of the Foundation



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